The project is structured into 5 technical work-packages (WP), complemented by 2 WPs addressing management, dissemination and results exploitation.
- WP1 : Scenario definition, system modeling and specifications for DVPP for actual and future power systems
WP1, led by Universitat Politecnica De Catalunya, aims to define clear specifications, scenarios and models which will be used throughout the project in all the different work packages. The specifications and system requirements will consider actual and future concepts of virtual power plants (DVPP) employing different RES, with different levels of penetration of renewable energy in the power system. - WP2 Generic design of DVPPs at the device level
WP2, led by Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, designs generic closed-loop models based on dispatchable and non-dispatchable RE sources with the focus on the single power plant level and RE-farm level, which portray relevant dynamical properties for grid stability studies. The controls of each RES generator will follow real-time redispatch developed in WP5 to cope with unscheduled changes and real-time references of the system-levels controllers developed in WP3 to ensure secondary level (ancillary services) specifications of the DVPPs. - WP3 System-level ancillary services: centralized control, coordination and interactions, global validation
This WP led by Ecole Centrale De Nantes investigates how to control and coordinate the individual devices in a DVPP and several DVPPs at the transmission grid level (so-called secondary level) subject to their individual constraints and so that their aggregated output to the grid provides ancillary services at all temporal and spatial scales: from fast frequency response to voltage support, and from high-voltage transmission grids to low-voltage distribution systems. - WP4 System-level ancillary services: decentralized control, stability and regulation in case of future systems
WP4 is led by Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zurich and treats in conjunction with WP3 decentralized control as well as the case of power systems with high RES penetration and low inertia. New definitions of stability and ways to quantify it are investigated. The ancillary services – formulation and control to ensure them- are revisited in this context. Finally, we assess the viability of our proposed DVPP ancillary service solutions in comparison to solutions based on electrochemical storage. - WP5 Optimal operation and configuration of DVPP under uncertainty of non-dispatchable RES
This WP, led by Universidad Pontificia Comillas will investigate how to configure, operate and redispatch a DVPP optimally. The optimal operation is related to DVPPs business cases, which include among others the provision of ancillary services and might involve multiple energy vectors such as electricity, gas, heat, and water. Competitiveness, especially compared with solutions combining variable RE sources with electrochemical storage will be proven. Regulatory proposals will also be made to facilitate DVPP insertion.
WP7 handles the dissemination and communication activities, as well as exploitation of the project results, and is led by DOWEL Innovation.