POSYTYF webinar: "Robust centralized vs decentralized control of DVPP generators for grid level (voltage and frequency) specifications " on the 23/01 at 15:00 CET

On January 23, 2023 from 15:00 To 16:00

Robust centralized vs decentralized control of DVPP generators for grid level (voltage and frequency) specifications 

POSYTYF invites you to its next webinar: "Robust centralized vs decentralized control of DVPP generators for grid level (voltage and frequency) specifications" on the 23th January 2023 at 15:00 CET.


The concept of Virtual Power Plant (VPP) has arisen over a decade ago from the relatively low competitiveness of the back then emerging non-dispatchable Renewable Energy Sources (RES). A new concept called Dynamic VPP (DVPP) has been proposed in H2020 POSYTYF project. It integrates the dynamic aspects at all levels: locally (for each RES generator), globally (for grid ancillary services and interaction with other close-by elements of the grid) and economically (for internal optimal dispatch and participation in electricity markets). A DVPP is a set of dispatchable and non-dispatchable RES along with a set of common control and operation procedures.

In this seminar, recent results on the design of DVPP level controllers to meet system-level specifications will be presented. Robust and optimal controls have been studied to control all generators of the DVPP. They relay on new time and space separation principles. Centralization of the synthesis of the control is the key point to maximize performances and robustness. To ensure resilience, decentralized implementation of aforementioned controllers has been proposed based on overlapping control techniques. A comparison between centralized and decentralized implementations will be reported both for control implementation and performances points of view. Tests have been run on a realistic case built in SimElectrical toolbox of Matlab starting from the IEEE 14 buses case.


Hoang Trung Ngo, Ecole Centrale de Nantes
Prof. Bogdan Marinescu, Ecole Centrale de Nantes

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Published on January 9, 2023 Updated on January 11, 2023