POSYTYF project: Powering System flexibility in the Future through Renewable Energy Sources - a collaborative research and development project
POSYTYF tutorial session with edgeFLEX project at PSET 2024
On August 6, 2024All day
The tutorial session "Virtual Power Plants: Modelling, Control and Operation " will present the contributions of the two EU projects: POSYTYF and edgeFLEX and will take place during the PSET conference on the 6th of August this year.
The tutorial will discuss the dynamic analysis and operation of virtual power plants (VPPs), that is, clusters of generators located at different locations of the grid and providing coordinated services.
The session features the following speakers:
Bogdan Marinescu, Prof, Ecole Centrale Nantes, France
Federico Milano, Prof, University College Dublin, Ireland
Álvaro Ortega, Prof, Comillas Pontifical University – Institute for Research in Technology, Spain
You can find more information about the session here.