Dissemination material
Dissemination material
- Project Newsletter June 2024
- Project Newsletter October 2023
- Project Newsletter June 2023
- Project Newsletter June 2022
- Project Newsletter December 2021
- Project Newsletter April 2021
- POSYTYF webinar: introduction to project and deliverable D1.1 on DVPP scenarios (November 2021)
- WP5: Optimal operation and configuration of DVPP under uncertainty of non-dispatchable RES (November 2021)
- WP1: Phasor and EMT modelling and simulation of POSYTYF scenarios (Task 1.5), (December 2021)
- WP4: DVPP Control (March 2022): POSYTYF WP4 webinar on designing decentralized controllers for dynamic virtual power plants
- WP2: Wind Power Plant Grid Integration for Future Power Systems, SAFEPROCESS IFAC Conference (June 2022)
- Dynamic Virtual Power Plant Control, Autonomous Energy Systems Workshop 2022 (July 2022)
- POSYTYF webinar: Modeling and control of renewable-energy power plants for participation in a Dynamic Virtual Power Plant (DVPP) (September 2022)
- POSYTYF project presentation at enlit Europe 2022. (December 2022)
- WP1: Limitations on the virtual inertia provision from grid-forming-connected renewable energy sources, ACDC 2023 (March 2023)
- Modeling and analysis of modern power systems including DVPPs, ISGT Europe 2023 (October 2023)
- Energy transition: coordinating a large population of partially autonomous agent, ISGT Europe 2023 (October 2023)
- The concept of the dynamic virtual power plant (DVPP) to optimise the integration of renewables into the grid, Journées scientifiques de l'éolien (January, 2024)
POSYTYF public webinar, November 2021 POSYTYF WP1 webinar: Dynamic Virtual Power Plant to combine flexibilities RES – the POSYTYF project
POSYTYF public webinar, March 2022 POSYTYF WP4 webinar: Designing decentralized controllers for dynamic virtual power plants
POSYTYF public webinar, September 2022 POSYTYF WP2 webinar: Modelling and control renewables for Dynamic Virtual Power Plant (DVPP)
POSYTYF public webinar, October 2023 POSYTYF WP5 webinar: Optimal bidding and operation of DVPPs under uncertainties